2017/05/31 What is turmeric? What is red turmeric and yellow turmeric?

Many studies have pointed out that turmeric has many health effects and it is the must-eat super health food of the 21st century. These studies mainly refer to “autumn turmeric” or Curcuma longa L. In fact, both red turmeric and yellow turmeric are Curcuma longa L. However, of all types of Curcuma longa, red turmeric has the highest content of curcumin (up to 4.5%). Curcuma longa L. is also known as yellow ginger in Southeast Asia, which is why some in Taiwan call it yellow turmeric. The turmeric used in curry is also Curcuma long L. There are many so-called red turmeric products in the market but only Fong-Man’s red turmeric has been vetted by professionals.