2017/05/31 How do you tell if your red turmeric is authentic or fake?

According to research, there are over 134 types of turmeric plants in the world today. The Taiwan herbal pharmacopoeia states that there are only four types used for either their culinary and medicinal purposes or their medicinal properties. Fong-Man’s Doctor Red Turmeric uses the right species of red turmeric as vetted by Dr. Hsieh Jui-yu of National Chung Hsing University’s Department of Agronomy. Our red turmeric has been cultivated and tested, its composition analyzed, and its functions and toxicity tested. Turmeric in the market have not been vetted and studied, and most suppliers are not even clear about the type of turmeric they are producing. They may even label indiscriminately or claim their products are red turmeric when they are not. To ensure your health and safety, choose Fong-Man Biotech’s Doctor Red Turmeric, which has been studied and recommended by professionals and academicians.